• Mrs. Tammy Goddard

    Podcast Facilitator

    Meet Tammy Goddard: A Life Devoted to Family and Ministry

    Tammy Goddard has been a faithful Christian since her youth, when she accepted Christ as her Saviour while attending a Vacation Bible School. Her family is her primary ministry, and she takes great pride in being the wife of Pastor Bruce Goddard and the mother of four married children, who have blessed her with eleven beautiful grandchildren so far.

    In 1982, Tammy received a Bachelor of Science degree in education from Bible college. Since then, she has been a pastor's wife in Southern California, teaching children of all ages for over 40 years. In addition to her weekly ladies' Bible study, Tammy leads an adult ladies' Bible class every Sunday morning at her church. She is also honored to speak at ladies' conferences across the country.

    Above all else, Tammy's goal in life is to deepen her love for God and others every day. She finds inspiration in her life verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:24, which states, "Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it."

  • Jennifer Beil


    Meet Jenn Beil: A Multifaceted Woman with a Passion for God

    Jennifer Beil is a steadfast mother of four. After serving as missionaries in Africa for five years, she and her husband Brett transitioned to working on staff at Faith Baptist Church in Wildomar, California. Jenn is a junior high girls' Sunday school teacher, a bus worker, and a nursery worker. She uses her expertise to supervise the church staff's healthcare plans, teaches Personal Finance at their Christian school, and runs her own photography business – Brave Little Soul Photography.

    Jenn has an unwavering love for God and the ability to inspire women of all ages with her faith. Her life verse is John 15:13, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

  • Lisa Grubb

    Social Media Director

    Meet Lisa Grubb: a Wife, Committed Christian, Working Mom, and a Podcast Enthusiast

    Lisa has been a Christian since the tender age of five when her father first introduced her to Christ after a Sunday service in her hometown of New Jersey. She is happily married to Mike and is the proud mother of two children, Jonathan and Allison. Lisa works full-time as an IT Recruiter from the comfort of her home while actively serving in her local church's soul-winning and Sunday school ministries. She loves to listen to Christian radio and podcasts while on the job and is thrilled that her sister, Jennifer, is pursuing the ministry of podcasting.

    Lisa draws strength and inspiration from Isaiah 40:31, her favorite Bible verse, which has helped her to trust in the Lord through life's challenges. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

  • Connie Marrujo

    Resource Promoter

    Meet Mrs. Connie Marrujo: A Pastors Wife, a Dedicated Mother, and an Educator

    Originally from Houston, Texas, Connie grew up attending Iglesia Bautista Libertad under the leadership of Roy Carrizales. She later went on to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Education from Hyles Anderson College, graduating in 2012. In 2015, Connie's husband, Adam Marrujo, was called by God to start a church in Riverside, California. Today, they are about to begin their fifth year at Clarity Baptist Church.

    Living in a world that is lost and searching for truth and clarity, Connie strives to make a positive impact on the surrounding communities and the individual lives of those who attend Clarity Baptist Church.

    Her life verse is Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

  • Lindsey Osgood

    Music Coordinator

    Meet Lindsey Osgood: a Missionary with a Passion for Music

    Since 2006, Lindsey Osgood has been serving as a missionary in Ghana, West Africa, alongside her husband, Charles. The couple has one teenage son, Josiah. Charles is the singles' director at Fundamental Baptist Church Int., where they both work to help singles date and marry God’s way. Lindsey also runs a weekly ladies' Bible study.

    In addition to her missionary work, Lindsey is a talented musician. She serves as the music coordinator for her church and teaches piano classes. Her music ministry has expanded as she has begun writing her own songs.

    Above all, Lindsey's greatest desire is to please God and trust in Him. Her life verse is Isaiah 26:3 – "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."